Spotlight on Seven Indoor Insect Pests

I wrote “Seven Insects to Remove from Your Home” in my Blog of Writing to point to my many articles on this subject.

"Male human head louse" by Gilles San Martin
“Male human head louse” by Gilles San Martin

The seven insects are: bedbugs; carpenter ants; earwigs; head lice; shield bugs (aka stink bugs); termites; and wasps. Some are only pests if they happen to venture indoors; others avoid the great outdoors altogether.

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If you want to try beating these insect pests yourself with natural products, I’d recommend searching in Abe’s Market. They carry a “Logic” brand that sounds good for non-toxic treatment of head lice. I’m curious about whether their bedbug treatment really can “destroy bed bugs on contact within seconds”. However, their products might be good preventative measures if they simply repel bedbugs by their aroma, which would be pleasant to us humans. Abe’s Market carries other brands also.

Disclaimer: The information contained in this article is for educational purposes only and should not be used for diagnosis or to guide treatment without the opinion of a professional pest control expert.