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Mike DeHaan began writing professionally in 2010 as the sole proprietor of DeHaan Services. Mike now blogs and writes freelance online articles under his own name. DeHaan Services provides ghost-written articles, web pages, business letters and a variety of other services, both locally and world-wide. Mike has trained himself to run marathons (each covers 26 miles and 385 yards, or 42.2Km), but now is usually content to help with a 10Km clinic at a local Running Room. Running and some attention to diet led to maintaining a weight loss of 20-30 pounds. He volunteers some of his time at the Mennonite church he attends.

Roundup of Bug Articles for Spring 2012

(Updated Oct. 12, 2015): These articles were in now-defunct online science magazines.

Spring 2012 is just around the corner. Nothing says “Springtime!” like leaping ahead for Daylight Savings Time and, of course, a promotional blog about some of my previously-published insect articles.

In case you really want to see a full paragraph explaining why I publicize old but timely articles, please see my writing tip at the end of “Spring Collection of Bug Articles for 2012“.

DeHaan Articles about Home and Garden Insects

You may find wasps in your garden, joining your picnics, or even invading your home.

How Do Social Wasps Make Themselves at Home?

Convincing Social Wasps To Leave The Party” offers some ideas. On the other hand, you might appreciate these insects more if you knew “How Can a Worker Wasp Become a Queen? By Face and Fight“.

Earwigs Have Their Place

Earwig image by Siga
Earwig image by Siga

Clearly “The Earwig: A Best Friend To The Garden Or A Health Hazard?” has a focus on the domesticated outdoors setting.

The Secret Life of the Earwig” is more about the bug, but was originally written with the view that this charming crawling insect is a pest.

Avoiding Some North American Insects that Carry Diseases

I must admit that this is not a comprehensive list, but it shows where I started.

Lyme Disease via Deer Ticks

The late effects may differ by treatment, as well. levitra 20 mg These include apples, check it right here now cialis no prescription apricots, cherries, peaches and pears. The product is also available viagra sample under the various brand names. However, the spouse or the partner of the individual has a not working disease online cialis canada fighting capability, the implantation would probably provoke an inflammation that may even become fatal. Defeating Lyme Disease Transmitted by Deer Ticks” and “How Deer Ticks Spread Lyme Disease” cover this topic.

If memory serves, this may have been the first topic that received a query from a reader, looking for more information about treating Lyme disease. That response really brought home the fact that, left untreated for a few months, Lyme disease is a serious medical problem without an easy cure.

Alert! According to today’s “Lyme Disease Surge Predicted for Northeastern US: Due to Acorns and Mice, Not Mild Winter” in PhysOrg, the American northeast is likely to experience more cases of Lyme disease in 2012. The ecological roller coaster involved a past abundance of acorns, and therefore of white-footed mice. Recent acorn shortages left a smaller mouse population, so the “Black-legged ticks” may be more determined to seek human prey.

West Nile Virus via the Mosquito

This topic had been well covered by conventional media a few years ago, but I haven’t noticed as much recently. At this point, it’s not clear whether the media is tired of the same old story; rates of infection have lessened; or public health cannot make the news because of government budget cutbacks.

The West Nile Virus Triangle: Mosquitos, Crows and People” covers the bases, with advice on avoiding getting bitten.

One Beneficial Beetle in the Western USA

The Tamarisk Leaf Beetle Battles Salt Cedars in the American West” trumpets that rarity among insects: a beetle that furthers the goals of  humans, rather than causing pain or annoyance.

Professional Writing by DeHaan Services

DeHaan Services writes web site or advertising copy for clients. Our skills are demonstrated in articles in Decoded Science, and other online sites. That’s why we highlight articles on this blog page.

To only see our Toronto events or fitness, please click on the appropriate category in the “Categories” section at the bottom of the left-hand margin.

I trust you enjoyed reading, or re-reading, some or all of these “bug articles”. Enjoy the spring of 2012.

Burlington Grants Jefferson Salamanders Safe Passage

Let’s give a round of applause because “Burlington Acts to Protect the Jefferson Salamander in Ontario“. (The article was in a now-defunct online science magazine).

Good News for the Jefferson’s Salamander in Ontario

"Jefferson Salamander image" by US Dept of Agriculture via Ooinn
“Jefferson Salamander image” by US Dept of Agriculture via Ooinn

It was a pleasure to learn and share the important but temporary measures the city of Burlington took on behalf of this small amphibian.

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Professional Writing by DeHaan Services

DeHaan Services writes web site or advertising copy for clients. Our skills are demonstrated in articles in Decoded Science, and other online sites. That’s why we highlight articles on this blog page.

To only see our Toronto events or fitness, please click on the appropriate category in the “Categories” section at the bottom of the left-hand margin.

Toronto Tries Sugar Beet Deicing Fluid

One of the sources for my latest article (in a now-defunct online science magazine), “Cities Mix Sugar Beet Juice with Road Salt as Highway Deicer“, is a recent Toronto Star article (cited below in “References”).

I was pleased that Toronto is one of the cities trying out this additive to our “brine to keep ice off the roads” process. I had first learned about sugar beet juice back in January, but didn’t get around to writing this article until after the Star’s report. Toronto is not the first place where it is being tested; Ontario’s Niagara region has several years of data. Some areas in the USA are old hands with it, while it is still an experiment elsewhere.

The Environmental Impact of Sugar Beet Juice as a Road Deicer

"Red Snow Plow Plowing Snow" by ww3billard
“Red Snow Plow Plowing Snow” by ww3billard

Once my article gets past the “what and how”, the really important question becomes “does it affect the environment”?

Of course the municipalities are also concerned with cost and effectiveness.

(Added July 29, 2014): Come to think of it, I much prefer that trucks spray deicing fluid rather than solid deicing salt. How much does rock salt deicer damage our cars’ paint and finish? From an environmental view, let’s not force drivers to repaint their cars any more often than needed.

As far as I know, Toronto has not yet issued a report. Considering the winter we’ve had, it’s unlikely that any definitive results have been logged. I do plan to remain alert on this topic.


My thanks to two local reference sources:

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Publicity for this Article on Sugar Beet Juice as a Road Deicer

In my Blog of Writing, “Clearing Icy Roads with Sugar Beet Juice” includes a pair of writing tips.

Background on Sugar Beets

My prior article, “Sugar Beet: Sugar Cane’s Unsung Rival” explained more about how sugar beets are grown and then processed into sugar.

Professional Writing by DeHaan Services

DeHaan Services writes web site or advertising copy for clients. Our skills are demonstrated in articles in Decoded Science, and other online sites. That’s why we highlight articles on this blog page.

To only see our Toronto events or fitness, please click on the appropriate category in the “Categories” section at the bottom of the left-hand margin.