Tag Archives: Articles in Decoded Science

Mike DeHaan’s article in Decoded Science

The Math of Power Sets

My latest Decoded Science article is “Power Sets come in Small, Infinite and Even Larger Sizes“.

Power Sets are for Mathematicians, not for Weight Lifters

At least, this type of power set is used in math.

"Small Power Sets" by Mike DeHaan
“Small Power Sets” by Mike DeHaan

It’s easy enough to define “power set” in math, but it took four high-powered mathematicians to formalize and count them. Their work also led to a deep insight into the limits to infinite numbers: there are no limits.

Actually, the word “count” should be “enumerate”; and “infinite numbers” should be “infinite cardinalities”. But why make this introduction more difficult than it already is?
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As always, I also publicize my article in my Blog of Writing. “Preview of the Power Set at Decoded Science” includes a free-to-the-first-million readers writing tip.

Professional Writing by DeHaan Services

DeHaan Services writes web site or advertising copy for clients. Our skills are demonstrated in articles in Decoded Science, and other online sites. That’s why we highlight articles on this blog page.

To only see our Toronto events or fitness, please click on the appropriate category in the “Categories” section at the bottom of the left-hand margin.

Thank you for reading about the mathematics of power sets.

A Tangled Tale of Four Personalized Prime Numbers

Today’s belated article at Decoded Science shows how four mathematicians became entangled with each others’ personalized prime numbers. Learn the splendid details in “Four Personalized Prime Number Formulae“.

What are Personalized Prime Numbers?

I invented the phrase “personalized prime numbers” to describe any set of prime numbers that has become associated with a specific person.

"Sophie Germain" by El Bibliomata
“Sophie Germain” by El Bibliomata

Sophie Germain is the only lady in this coterie of entangled mathematicians.

As always, I also publicize my article in my Blog of Writing, where “Preview of Personalized Primes at Decoded Science” has both the previews of my original images for the main article as well as a handy writing tip for online authors.

Busy Times for DeHaan Services

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DeHaan Services offers content writing services for clients anywhere in the world, although limited to the English language. Contact me for help in getting your message to your audience…the information is in the left-hand column.

Professional Writing by DeHaan Services

DeHaan Services writes web site or advertising copy for clients. Our skills are demonstrated in articles in Decoded Science, and other web sites. That’s why we highlight articles on this blog page.

To only see our Toronto events or fitness, please click on the appropriate category in the “Categories” section at the bottom of the left-hand margin.

Thank you for reading about personalized prime numbers.

Explaining Eisenstein Prime Numbers in Decoded Science

My recent Decoded Science article, “The Complex Tale of Eisenstein Prime Numbers“, was written because one graphic image in my previous article (“Several Different Paths to Prime Numbers“) had no explanation.

Eisenstein Prime Numbers are Not Obvious

In fact, writing this article was one of the most challenging but interesting tasks I’ve accomplished in my “tenure” at Decoded Science.

"Eisentstein Primes on Grid", image by Fropuff
“Eisentstein Primes on Grid”, image by Fropuff

Hopefully, I’ve made a complex subject understandable in that article. By the way, there seems to be quite a following for Decoded Science via the StumbleUpon site where I post links to my articles.

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Professional Writing by DeHaan Services

DeHaan Services writes web site or advertising copy for clients. Our skills are demonstrated in articles in Decoded Science, and other online sites. That’s why we highlight articles on this blog page.

To only see our Toronto events or fitness, please click on the appropriate category in the “Categories” section at the bottom of the left-hand margin.

Thank you for reading about Eisenstein Prime Numbers.