Send that Sick Function to L’Hospital’s Rule

It’s a terrible pun: “L’Hospital” or “L’Hôpital”. But it’s a useful rule in mathematics.

Healthy Uses for L’Hôpital’s Rule

It may be a bad pun, but indeed there are three legitimate spellings for “L’Hôpital’s Rule”, L’Hopital’s Rule”, or “L’Hospital’s rule”.

My latest article in Decoded Science is “L’Hopital’s Rule is a Hospital to Cure Ailing Functions“. In it, one writing tip explains why an online article should probably avoid the ‘ô‘ spelling.

"Picture of Guillaume, Marquis de l'Hôpital" by Bemoeial2 via Wikipedia (copyright expired)
“Picture of Guillaume, Marquis de l’Hôpital” by Bemoeial2 via Wikipedia (copyright expired)

My article explains how and when to use L’Hôpital’s Rule, as well as providing some fascinating background on the men credited with formulating it.

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Publicity through my “Blog of Writing” for L’Hôpital’s Rule

As always, I also publicized my article in my Blog of Writing. “Preview of L’Hôpital’s Rule in Decoded Science” includes three terrific writing tips that are based on lessons I learned while writing the main article.

Professional Writing by DeHaan Services

DeHaan Services writes web site content or advertising copy for clients. Our skills are demonstrated in articles in Decoded Science, and other online sites. That’s why we highlight articles on this blog page.

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Thank you for reading about “L’Hôpital” at Decoded Science.