Predicting Lower Worker to Retiree Ratio for 2100

One of the enjoyable opportunities in writing for Decoded Science is reporting on breaking news related to mathematics.

My “Population Prediction of More Retirees, Fewer Workers by 2100” is one example where I could report on a newsworthy project. The study used specific math techniques, Bayesian statistical methods, to make a more accurate estimate of how the population will change in various countries.

More Retired and Elderly, Compared to Workers

"UAW Local 933 Retirees Meet" image by aflcio (Bernard Pollack)
“UAW Local 933 Retirees Meet” image by aflcio (Bernard Pollack)

There are startling changes in the ratio of workers to the over-65 group in the report’s estimates.

China and India show incredible changes, but the USA’s ratio also is expected to decline somewhat.

In my own view, the difference may reflect a higher percentage of elderly people in the USA than in China or India. The authors of the study, to whom I defer, say it has more to do with immigration plus birth rates.

My Own Publicity for this Population Prediction Article

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Mutual Admiration with Real Clear Science

"A Real Clear Science Link to Decoded Science" image by Mike DeHaan
“A Real Clear Science Link to Decoded Science” image by Mike DeHaan

It was terrific to see that Real Clear Science linked to my article today, too.

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Thank you for reading about my article on a new population estimate using Bayesian statistical methods.